Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Mountainous Monte Patria

Our time here in Ovalle is nearing a close, and although we have been pretty thrifty here, I prefer now to blindfold myself before logging on to my online banking. In anticipation of more frivolous times to come, we have taken to buying £2 bottles of wine and refusing to travel anywhere more than a £1.50 bus journey away. And so it was that we ended up spending this Saturday in Monte Patria, a local mountain town near the Cordillera.

Monte Patria is most famous for its resident flock of noisy parrots, Given that we came for the tranquility, we decided to head as far away from them as possible. I´m not sure maps of this place exist, and certainly the regular Chilean doesn´t hike further than the local bakery so we were left to hatch out our route (Jonny choosing the highest hill he could see), and after watching some of the local football (the spectators avidly spectating us!), we set off into the unknown.

Leaving civilisation far behind, we picked our way through private Government land towards our chosen summit. Lucky for us, our only contact was with a group of wild horses and a crazy abuelita who was eager to let us know how loco we were in our efforts. She waved us off with a knowing look...."I´ll see you later on your way home" she told us confidently. And indeed she did, when we passed again an hour later, a failed summit under our belt and big sweaty circles under our arms. However, all was not in vain because before admitting defeat, we got a glimpse of some incredible views which I´m positive very few people (besides old abuelita) have seen. Finally arriving back in Monte Patria after our 5 hour jaunt, we rewarded ourselves with a huge completo and a good old chinwag with a 90 year old potty potter from Uruguay and his 9 month old neighbour.

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